Each Conservation District in the State of Montana is responsible for administering the Natural Streambed and Land Preservation Act or 310 Law (Senate Bill 310) on behalf of the Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation (DNRC) for proposed activities which would alter the bed and or banks of any perennial stream. The Sheridan County Conservation District requires that 310 applications be submitted for proposed work on any perennial stream in Sheridan County.
All 310 Applications must be reviewed at a regular Conservation District Board Meeting and be noticed on the Agenda.
For more information on 310 permitting please view our rule book:
Sheridan County CD 310 Rules
Current 310 Application Materials may be downloaded here:
Instructions and Application
No person may commence construction on any project facilities or appropriate water prior to approval of the project by the district and receipt of a reserved water use authorization. This is to protect the potential irrigator from investing money in a system for which legal use of the water can not be approved and thus can not be used.