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406-765-1801 ext 101 119 N. Jackson, Plentwood, MT 59254

What We Do

The Sheridan County Conservation District (SCCD), originally known as the Reserve Soil Conservation District, was the first district formed in the State of Montana on January 15, 1940.  It is a non profit organization that is designed to help the public conserve soil, water, and other renewable resources.  SCCD works in partnership with the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) providing technical assistance to private land managers.

The function of a conservation district is to take technical, financial, and educational resources to encourage the conservation of soil, water and related resources.

Who We Are

Chairman: Nathan Shackelford

Vice Chairman: Blake Rasmussen

Board Members:  Daryn Andersen, Terry Fink, Lon Michels, Jeff Wivholm, Barbie Riggs

Associate Members: Jon Bolstad, Chris Westergard, Brady Berntson, Tahnee Benson

District Administrator: Grace Wagler

District Field Technician: Amy Yoder

District Conservationist: Libby Olson

When We Meet

Our board meetings are held the second Tuesday of every month at 7:00 a.m. in the USDA office located at 119 N. Jackson.  All meetings are open to the public.

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